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2001 óta irodánk egy szemináriumsorozatot rendez, amely elsősorban a jog-, illetve az adórendszer részkérdéseire fókuszál és amelynek keretein belül az irodánk munkatársai mellett vendégszakértők is szerepeltek előadóként. A szemináriumsorozat közelmúltbeli érdekességei között a következő témák is szerepeltek:



Collecting Debts and Judgements in California
Presented by Dennis F. Fredricks, Esq., RA'in Ivonne Paulus, Martin Vorbrodt, Esq. for Fredricks & von der Horst, on June 28, 2012

Contemporary approaches and solutions for bad debts, from risk assessment and debtor-asset investigation through piercing the corporate veil to reach individual debtors are discussed. Alternatives to immediate litigation are addressed as well as what to expect if litigation is commenced.  Covered as well, are the odds of success at each stage of legal action, the legal fees, and various collection costs.  Attention is also given to the European creditor with a cross-border claim or judgment to collect.
Previously given in May, 2012



State and Federal Government in the United States and the Forum for Litigation
Presented by the Honorable Jan Donsbach, Chief US Administrative Law Judge, Long Beach, California, Los Angeles, on April 24, 2012

The unique dichotomy of the US federal and state system and its impact on case planning is outlined illustrating which types of cases are heard at which level of court, with a special focus on public benefits such as Social Security and Medicare. 



Entertainment Law: Focus on Film
Presented by Dennis F. Fredricks, Esq., Ivonne Paulus, Martin Vorbrodt for Fredricks & von der Horst, on March 8, 2012

Legal aspects of filmmaking:  copyrighting the script, writers’ agreements, WGA, DGA and SAG guild regulations, agency and management contracts, actors’ agreements, directors’ agreements, production financing, US-foreign co-productions, location agreements, film music, distribution and exhibition deals and ancillary markets are discussed in this seminar.
Previously given in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011



New Developments in US Patent Law
Presented by Thomas I. Rozsa, Esq., on November 21, 2011

Reviewed are new regulations that affect patenting of inventions, including utility, design and plant patents, with an emphasis on the time-sensitivity impact of amended USPTO filing rules. Addressed as well are issues in infringement cases and alternatives to patents such as trade secrets.



The Probate Process in California: When Decedents Leave Only Heirs in Europe
Presented by Kevin J. Moore, Esq., on April 14, 2011

Examined are the practical aspects of how decedents' estates are handled, particularly when the heirs are solely in Europe, with a focus on the disposition of estates where the decedent left no Will. Focus is given to appointment of administrators, estate taxes, satisfying creditor's claims, the timetable of the court dates, and estates is too small for probate, as well as special problems faced by non-US or non-CA beneficiaries in obtaining their shares of legacies and devises.



How Judges in the US Hear and Decide Cases
Presented by the Honorable Rolf M. Treu, Judge of the Superior Court of California, Los Angeles, on November 15, 2010

The role of the judge as trier of fact, the task of lawyers as advocates before the court, the significance of witnesses, who decides if it will be judge or jury trial, and how evidence and testimony are presented and admitted, are explained to offer an insight into why courts often decide as they do, and to illustrate how law and trial procedure differ markedly as between the US and California and that of the European nations.


Entertainment Law: Focus on Film
Presented by Dennis F. Fredricks, Esq., Fredricks & von der Horst, on October 12, 2010

Copyrighting the script, writers’ agreements, WGA, DGA and SAG guild regulations, agency and management contracts, actors’ agreements, directors’ agreements, production financing, US-foreign co-productions, location agreements, film music, distribution and exhibition deals and ancillary markets are discussed in this seminar.
Previously given in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2009



Structuring Businesses for Optimal Results
Presented by Dennis Fredricks, Adeline Simenon and Martin Vorbrodt, on March 2, 2010

The seminar addresses strategies for small and midsize businesses, focusing on when a company is needed, to establish a corporation or an LLC or limited partnership, wholly owned or as a subsidiary, in California or Nevada or Delaware, and special considerations for when two or more persons enter into business together, and how to balance the investor/know-how/worker matrix. Special attention is paid to which business visas can be applied for, to federal and state factors in choosing a company name, determining who will own the intellectual property of the new entity, as well as to practical formalities of establishing the company.



The U.S. and European Copyright Systems - The Significance For European Artists in the U.S.
Presented by Erika Solti Shaeffer, Vice President and Counsel, The Walt Disney Company, on October 21, 2009

Giving a perspective of the differences between the two great legal traditions, that of the United States and that of Europe, both of which protect literary and artistic works, the former with the so-called “copyright” and the latter with the “author's rights” system, the seminar provides a visual introduction to certain core concepts concerning international copyright.  Discussed are the concept of national treatment with specific examples of “irreconcilable differences”, an overview of 'moral rights', of 'neighboring rights', and how these European concepts are treated in the US motion picture industry.



The "Buy American" Provision of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Presented by Adeline Simenon Esq., Fredricks & von der Horst, on October 8, 2009

Interpreting the ambiguities of the “Buy American” provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009:  what goods and services ”Buy American” applies to, to which countries it applies, as well as to which industries and to which non-American sellers, and under what circumstances, foreign firms can bid on US public procurement projects funded by the stimulus package is the theme.



Constitutional System: 1989 – The Year that Changed the Map of Europe (and thereby the World)
Presented by Dr. György Borók, Lawyer and Senior Advisor to the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office, on August 13, 2009

Constitutional law as a force for change, using Hungary as an example of reform in the former East Bloc of Europe.  In 1989 the ruling Socialist Workers Party and the opposition parties decided to start dialog and move towards a democratic society, with the rule of law and a market economy.  As a consequence of their compromise, the constitutional foundation for a western democracy was established. 



Labor Law Issues with a Focus on Employment of Foreign Persons by US Companies and Foreign Entities based in the US
Presented by Didier Y. Reiss, Esq., on April 27, 2009

The seminar addresses labor and employment issues arising in the California workplace,  particularly as they affect foreign nationals. Surveyed are hiring guidelines, employees vs. independent contractor issues, contracts, wage and hour laws (overtime, and wages at termination), leave laws (vacations, family and medical leave), and termination issues. Discussed is the interaction between state and federal laws, the enforcement of these laws by administrative agencies, and the role of the judiciary in interpreting them. 



Taxation of Foreign Persons and Companies with US Activities
Presented by John Gosch, CPA, on April 8, 2009

This presentation examines business and investment transactions by nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations as well as residents earning income in the US, examining bases of income taxation, sources of income, sources and allocation of deductions, US taxation of passive income by nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, the branch profit tax and gains of foreign taxpayers from the sale of US Real Property. 



Criminal Law: Impact on Foreign Nationals and Recent Immigrants
Presented by Jacek W. Lentz, Esq., on November 12, 2008

The topic is tailored to crossborder issues, including ‘driving under the influence’ and other vehicular offenses, drug and narcotics violations, assault & battery, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, theft and identity theft, for which foreign nationals or recent immigrants are arrested.   Addressed are the court system, court dates that occur after visa expirations, arrestees opportunity to re-enter the US after arrest or conviction and special laws for foreign nationals who are arrested.



Family Law: Impact on Foreign Nationals and Recent Immigrants
Presented by Vimala Nowlis, Esq., on November 5, 2008

The focus is on international issues, including prenuptial agreements, divorces and child custody issues where one party returns to Europe, division of property in two countries, as well as spousal support under the UIFSA (Uniform Interstate Family Support Act), child support under the UCCJEA (Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act) and the effect on the EU spouse’s visa status and citizenship options.



An Overview of Business Associations
Presented by Dennis F. Fredricks, Esq., on October 29, 2008

Reasons for non-US companies to establish subsidiaries; the choice of corporation or LLC, pros and cons of California or Delaware or Nevada; agreements between the co-venturers; when to employ and when to engage subcontractors; litigation and liability issues; owning or renting office, retail, manufacturing or warehouse space; and when to register intellectual property, are some of the themes explored in this seminar.  
Previously given in 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.



Music Law
Presented by Peter J. Marx, Esq., on December 6, 2007

Individual topics include a general survey of matters such as copyright and publishing, recording agreements, live performances, synchronization for films and television, ASCAP and BMI, and the rights of composers, lyricists and performers.
Previously given in 2006.



Conflict Resolution and Software Law
Presented by Christine von Wrangel, Esq., on November 30, 2006

Topics include application software, graphical user interfaces, operating systems, programming and platform software, system software, software development, software licenses, and software piracy and infringement.



Civil Litigation: Practice and Procedure
Presented by Joseph P. Wohrle, Esq., on August 10, 2006



Intellectual Property
Presented by Thomas I. Rozsa, Esq., on July 20, 2006

This seminar covers patents, trademarks, and copyrights. 
Previously given in 2003 and 2005


The American Judicial System
Presented by Peter J. Marx, Esq., on July 13, 2006

An overview of the federal, state and local courts in the United States and California as well as an introduction to court rules and procedures were the focus of this seminar.
Previously given in 2004 and 2005.

Immigration Law and US Visas
Presented by John A. Joannes, Esq., in October, 2005

Essential elements of US visas, with a focus on the E (investor) Visa, the L (intra-company transferee) Visa and the O (exceptional ability) are the focus of this immigration law seminar.

Entertainment Law: Focus on Film
Presented by Dennis F. Fredricks, Esq., in September, 2005

Copyrighting the script, writers’ agreements, WGA, DGA and SAG guild regulations, agency and management contracts, actors’ agreements, directors’ agreements, production financing, location agreements, film music, distribution deals and ancillary markets are discussed in this seminar.
Previously given in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.

Probate in California
Presented by Andrea Felke, on March 14, 2005

This presentation provides an overview of the procedure of probate in California, discusses probate administration and disposition of estates without administration with a special focus on issues arising in the field of international transactions.

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